FOR I HAVE SINNED – novella from Darynda Jones

“So that’s all you remember? Falling?”
Surprised, I straightened my shoulders. I was sitting on her dresser, as the only chair in the room sat buried under a pile of clothes. “Yes.”
“Considering the fact that you’re here,” she said, scrubbing her forehead with the back of her hand, “I’d say your stop was fairly sudden.”
I swallowed and licked my lips, but they had no taste, no texture, like I’d just been to the dentist. With head bowed, I asked a question I already knew the answer to. “Am I dead?”
“As a doornail in August.”
Meet Charley Davidson, otherwise known as the Grim Reaper. Dealing with death, one strong coffee at a time, this short story will show you why Darynda Jones’s books are loved by millions of readers worldwide. Originally published in 2011, Piatkus Entice are delighted to welcome it onto the site! Stay tuned for some more exciting Darynda news over Christmas . . .
Darynda Jones revisits the sexy, suspenseful world of supernatural shenanigans she created in her Grave series with For I Have Sinned. In this Charley Davidson story, Charley helps a woman find out how she died and gives her the closure she needs to pass through to the other side.